Saturday, February 4, 2012

All Eyes On Him

A couple of the folks here at HDC were fasting and praying during lunch time. We were reading over a passage in Numbers (chapters 13-14) about the nation of Israel about to enter the Promised Land. Twelve guys had scouted the land and were giving a report. Although they all agreed that it was good land, most of them gave a bad report, saying that the inhabitants were too big and strong for Israel to conquer. But Joshua and Caleb, two of the spies, disagreed and said that Israel would be able to overcome them because the Lord would be with them. They were so certain of the Lord's faithfulness that they tore their clothes (a sign of serious grief in that day) in front of the entire Israelite assembly and pleaded with them not to rebel against the Lord.

Imagine the courage that Caleb and Joshua had. They were convinced the land of Canaan was conquerable despite the fact that the majority of the scouts were saying the opposite. What stood out to us was that Caleb and Joshua had their eyes on God, while the others had their eyes on the seemingly indomitable inhabitants of Canaan. They were so quick to doubt God because they weren't focusing on God, they were focusing on the seemingly impossible task at hand.

This brought to our minds several other passages from the Bible. We were reminded of how God told Ezekiel to prophecy to a valley of dry bones, telling them to have life, and God did it (Ezekiel 37). We were also reminded of when Peter began to sink while walking on the water towards Jesus because he had taken his eyes off Jesus and became afraid when he saw the wind (Matthew 14:22ff). And we were reminded of when Jesus told his disciples that if they had faith as small as a mustard seed, they could move mountains. In fact, Jesus even said that if they had mustard seed faith, "Nothing will be impossible for you" (Matthew 17:20).

All this to say, we were reminded that if we are brave and trust in God with the little faith we have, God will show his glory and further his kingdom. Joshua and Caleb said that the Lord would lead them and be with them (Numbers 14:8-9). Jesus said he'd be with us always (Matthew 28:20). God is with his followers, and He's given us a task: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations," (Matthew 28:19). God has done so much for us and has given us a relationship with him, and we are to spread that love and give him glory in everything we do (1 Corinthians 10:31). Nothing will be impossible for us if we trust in Him, and even the gates of hell won't overcome the church he's building (Matthew 16:18).

Like Caleb, Joshua, and Peter, we need to keep our eyes on God. We need to trust in Him to do the impossible. Only our unbelief and fear get in the way. If we take what the Bible says literally, it should be very encouraging to us, because it's God who gives us the strength and works through us (Philippians 2:13). Take God at his word. Keep your eyes on him as you follow him out on the stormy water, as you walk into the indomitable lands, as you speak to a valley of dry bones.
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." -Joshua 1:9

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